Deserted Island Toolkit
Category: Audio/Radio | Points: 150
Prompt: What would a drunken sailor do? (Wrap the output in DawgCTF{ }) DesertedIslandToolkit.zip
Author: Eyeclept
Unzipping the contents we find that we have been given a .iso file. So we extract the contents in a separate folder to find the following two extracted files :
Well, googling about .cdda files I found out that it is CD Digital Audio Format, so I went ahead and converted it to mp3 via an online convertor just for the sake of convenience.
Listened to the converted file and it sounded suspiciously like Morse Code, so yea, I took the freedom to go ahead and upload the file in an online Morse Code Decoder.
And we got our flag!
Category: Forensics | Points: 150
Prompt: Your grandparents forgot the password to their online photo album! Lucky for you, they only ever use simple passwords and you’re a UMBC CS student. Make them proud.
Author: Clearedge
This challenge provided us with a really large zip file ( around 157 mbs ), and while unzipping it asks for the password. Using John the Ripper to crack the hash with rockyou.txt yields no results.
And then there’s the weird prompt:
Lucky for you, they only ever use simple passwords and you’re a UMBC CS student
So, I tried crafting my own custom wordlists with different combinations of capital letters then small and finally, one wordlist was able to crack the zip file.
with open("wordlists.txt", "w") as p:
for i in range(4000):
p.write("umbc" + str(i) + '\n')
for i in range(4000):
p.write(str(i) + "umbc" + '\n')
This unzips all the photos inside the zip file. Using the file command on the second file shows it has ASCII text instead of picture. And using the cat command on the second file gives our flag.
Flag: DawgCTF{P1ctur35qu3}